Letter: Support for Matt Taylor

February 25, 2024

As we all know, Belmont is facing a major challenge this spring. We need to pass the $8.4 million override the current Select Board has put forth to maintain our current town and school services. 

Just as important, we need to elect leaders who can oversee actions to spend those funds wisely while bringing vision and expertise to move Belmont forward. 

As a long-time resident of Belmont, Matt Taylor has demonstrated his understanding of how the town works and his willingness to work for Belmont through service on the Warrant Committee and Town Meeting. Through his professional experience, he has demonstrated his understanding of data and how to use that data to make the kinds of decisions that will be crucial to Belmont’s moving forward: expanding the commercial tax base; increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of town operations; supporting research-proven, data-based improvements for the schools; and focusing on collaboration and transparency. 

As a senior citizen and a grandmother of two Belmont school students, I have spoken to Matt about making Belmont better for all residents of our town. He not only has the knowledge to do this but is also willing to work hard and take well-thought-out actions to move Belmont forward. I support Matt Taylor for Select Board and hope that you will as well.

Claudia Albert, Dalton Road

Town Meeting Member Precinct 7