Letter: Support for Moriarty

March 22, 2024

I am writing in strong support of Meg Moriarty’s re-election to the School Committee. I have had the privilege of working closely with Meg on the Committee since she was elected in 2021 and cannot imagine a more dedicated and capable colleague and leader.

Meg offers the Committee critical expertise and experience. Professionally, she focuses on education policy and practice and works in other Massachusetts districts. Personally, she is an involved parent and community member who is active in many ways beyond her School Committee role. Meg is exactly the kind of School Committee member that Belmont needs and deserves given the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Meg has worked tirelessly and humbly to:

  • Serve as School Committee Chair for the past two years including helping the
  • Committee to navigate two lengthy and complex budget processes;
  • Plan and facilitate frequent public meetings and a number of forums;
  • Participate actively in collective bargaining negotiations;
  • Help hire and support a new Superintendent;
  • Engage with a broad spectrum of community members who reach out because they
  • know she will listen and respond;
  • Research policies and practices and meet with School Committee members from other
  • communities;
  • Participate in state conferences and professional development sessions;
  • Represent the Committee on other town boards and working groups including the
  • Warrant Committee;
  • Communicate with town leaders and our state legislators; and much more!

Meg is fair, open-minded, pragmatic, and curious. She knows how to get things done and has a demonstrated track record of leadership and commitment to our schools and the town. Please join me in casting a vote for Meg on April 2.

Amy Checkoway, Pequossette Road