Select Board Notes, Aug. 26, Sept. 9

September 15, 2024
The row of hard hats laid out prior to the groundbreaking at the skating rink project. (Jesse A. Floyd/Belmont Voice)

Hockey Rink Project on Time, on Budget

Members of the Municipal Skating Rink Building Committee shared a report with the board on the status of the rink project, which had its groundbreaking last week.

Chair Mark Haley said the project is on schedule and “happily on budget.” He said the hope is to be making ice by next September.

The Select Board voted to accept donations to the project totaling $65,000. In June 2023, the board accepted $118,000. Both donations were part of $200,000 committed to the project leading up to the debt exclusion.

Select Board OKs Request to Host Second Annual Touch-A-Truck

Belmont Youth Activities and D.A.R.E. Inc. will host the event on Oct. 12 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the rear portion of the Claflin Street Parking Lot.

A rain date is scheduled for Oct. 19.

Ovenbird Cafe to Host Indoor Beer Garden Pop-up Events

The Select Board approved a two-hour extension of closing time, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., to allow Ovenbird to host five indoor beer garden pop-up events.

Those dates are Sept. 26, Oct. 10, Oct. 24, Nov. 7, and Nov. 21.

In addition to the extended hours, the board approved one-day liquor license applications for the cafe on the aforementioned dates.

Town Administrator Receives Performance Review, Merit Increase

Town Administrator Patrice Garvin received a 5/5 rating on her performance review this week.

Reviewing the Select Board’s comments, Human Resources Director Kelli King said Garvin was described as a “highly skilled” administrator with excellent personal skills. King said she was also described as “resilient under pressure.”

Following an executive session Monday night, the board voted to approve a 2% merit increase in her salary.

“We would like to do more,” said Chair Elizabeth Dionne. “She deserves more … but given the town’s current situation, we’ve done what we think is appropriate.”

Select Board Notes: Aug. 26, 2024

Select Board Approves Use of Town Green for Church Worship

The Select Board approved the First Church in Belmont, Unitarian Universalist’s request to use the town green for worship services on two fall dates.

Worship services are planned for Sunday, Sept. 8, and Oct. 6, from 8 a.m. to noon.

“The town green is a center that gets used by a wide variety of organizations,” Chair Elizabeth Dionne said, noting this was a standard request the board gets each year.

Dionne said the town tries to accommodate any organization that seeks to use the green.

“We certainly don’t discriminate among religious organizations,” she said. “Any organization that comes to us, we treat the same.”

Police and Fire Chiefs receive Merit Increases

Following their annual performance reviews, Police Chief James MacIsaac and Fire Chief David DeStefano received 2% merit increases.

The increases are retroactive to July 1. They are in addition to their 2% cost-of-living adjustment.

Human Resources Director Kelli King shared with the Select Board that both chiefs received a 4.75/5 performance review. This overall score reflected the different categories in which the chiefs received feedback from town officials.

Referring to DeStefano, King said he is a “strong and balanced leader” committed to maintaining professionalism and ensuring the town’s safety. As for areas for opportunity, she said he faces ongoing challenges related to staffing and budget constraints.

MacIsaac, meanwhile, was described as an “articulate and clear-sighted leader” who was committed to modern policing and focused on de-escalation. She spoke to traffic management and animal control as areas for opportunity.

King noted MacIsaac’s contract will expire at the end of the calendar year, so the merit increase is only effective for six months.

Select Board Opens Special Town Meeting Warrant

As many as eight articles will be the subject of a special Town Meeting scheduled for Nov. 18.

The warrant will include zoning bylaws for 3A, or the MBTA Communities Act.

After a brief discussion, the board agreed to keep the warrant open until Sept. 4 at 4 p.m., allowing residents time to submit citizen petitions.

Committee Resignations

The Select Board voted to accept Miriam Wells’s resignation from the Conservation Commission and Barbara Becker’s resignation from the Shade Tree Committee.

Before accepting the resignations, Chair Elizabeth Dionne thanked them for their service.

“They both have compelling personal reasons for doing this,” she said.

Mary Byrne

Mary Byrne is a member of The Belmont Voice staff.