Letter: Please Fix Chenery Playground

April 6, 2024

I was happy to read the article about “Friends of Chenery Begin Outreach for Upgrades” because Chenery has a terrible playground.

Kids have to deal with a sharp, broken and collapsed slide, a broken swing set where some swings are only hanging by one chain. We also have a broken zip line that has had no handlebars since the start of the school year. Most things on the Chenery playground are worn down and rusty. 

Next year, fourth-graders are coming to the Chenery community, and they should be able to play without fearing something will break when jumped on and they should not fear falling off a broken swing. 

I believe there should be a new playground that is safe and enjoyable for all. Even kids in nearby neighborhoods should be able to enjoy a new and working playground. I think the community should approve Community Preservation Act funds for the Chenery Upper Elementary playground. 

Sam Rofino, fifth-grade, Chenery

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