Letter: Support for Moriarty

March 28, 2024

I am strongly supporting Meg Moriarty for the School Committee. Meg has been the consummate professional and leader, has invested considerable time and energy to become an invaluable member and twice Chair of the School Committee (SC).

This is a critical time for Belmont, and I have full confidence that Meg is the right person to help steer the SC and navigate the outcome of the override. I have been impressed with Meg’s ability to build strong relationships within our team and with external stakeholders from town leadership and at the State level. She builds trust and leverages the experience of the School Committee team members which allows her to focus her work on planning and liaising with SC across the State, bringing “best practices” and “lessons learned” from other districts. These insights have been invaluable in guiding some of our discussions and strategies. She’s demonstrated commitment to optimizing the School Committee’s role, delineating the roles and responsibilities of the Superintendent. She spent considerable effort to onboard the superintendent, effectively partnering with her to navigate the needs of both roles. In doing so, the SC has been able to stay focused on setting goals, developing complex budgets, and importantly, righting the processes/policies that needed alignment with Mass General Law. Equally, I have been impressed by her commitment to students and community and her thorough responses to every member of the community.

Without a doubt, Meg is an invaluable member and leader and I encourage you to vote for her on April 2.

Jamal Carlos Saeh, Watson Road

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On Jan. 23, (House Minority Whip Rep.) Katherine Clark, D-Mass.

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