Letter: Support for Off-Leash Program 

March 8, 2024

I am not a dog owner but wholeheartedly endorse an off-leash program for dogs in Belmont. It fosters a tremendous sense of community and contributes significantly to the well-being of our elderly and disabled dog owners for whom street walking is a challenge. As a realtor, I know that “off-leash” is often a major factor for buyers considering a home purchase here.

Dogs require off-leash for proper socialization and exercise. This prevents aggression and unpleasant confrontations, enhancing the safety of our streets. Additionally, off-leash effectively deters geese in the parks, addressing a larger feces problem than dogs pose.

While acknowledging concerns from those opposed, it’s essential to note that many dog owners are unaware of existing problems or rules due to inadequate communication from the town. Off-leash gatherings in Winn Brook have proven to be a positive outlet, fostering new connections among residents. We act as responsible stewards, monitoring negative activity, and removing stray feces, remains of animals and birds attacked by predators, and trash left by sports groups and patrons of Joey’s Park. 

Before dismissing or restricting the off-leash privilege, let’s empower dog owners to rectify any issues. By providing clear communication on rules of engagement and licensing requirements, we can build a harmonious co-existence. This program not only benefits our pets but also strengthens community bonds. From my own personal experience, it can turn strangers into lifelong friends.

Give dog owners the chance to make it right and preserve this valuable community Asset.

Joanne Adduci,  Hoitt Road