Letter: Support Sports, Extracurriculars

March 25, 2024

Belmont offers a wide array of extracurricular options for students. From rugby to theater to Model UN and more, any child’s interests can be nurtured in our schools.

These activities keep Belmont’s youth engaged in healthy outlets, promote social development, help kids learn how to work with all kinds of people, and are a source of great town pride. My family still looks forward to Soccer Night in Belmont, where elementary-aged kids take the field at halftime of the high
school match and run around “under the lights.”

Buying popcorn at a football game from the Parents of Music Students (POMS) has been a delight too. And we’ve enjoyed some incredible theater right at Belmont High, including last year’s production of “Mean Girls.” It seems like every kid is involved with something here. In fact, two-thirds of Belmont High students (more than 900 kids) play at least one school sport, and more than 500 middle and high school students participate in theater.

This signals that most children have found a social universe outside the classroom, which benefits both the individual children and our community at large.

On the ballot in April is a decision that will impact our community in numerous and significant ways, including the education and extracurricular opportunities available to students. The Select Board and School District Administration have set forth cuts to the town budget that will be necessary if the override does not pass, among them the elimination of theater programs, middle and high school extracurricular clubs and activities, and all varsity, JV and freshman sports teams by the 2025-26 school year. We have a longstanding tradition of supporting our students in Belmont. Let’s continue that tradition with a YES vote on April 2.
Kylia Garver, Homer Road

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