Select Board Notes: May 13, 2024 Memorial Day Service set for May 27

May 17, 2024
The Chenery playground renovation is heading to Town Meeting.

Town Day

Town Day is Saturday, with an array of events and activities planned throughout the day.

The day kicks off at 9 a.m. with music on the Main Stage and the Belmont Lions Club Pancake breakfast at 2 Common St. There will be a dunk tank, with proceeds benefiting Belmont Helps, kiddie rides, a classic car show, and an appearance by Elsa and Spider-Man at the Watertown Savings Bank tent.

“It’s going to be a fun time,” said Select Board Vice Chair Elizabeth Dionne. “I encourage everyone to attend.”

Beginning at noon, JS US Taekwondo will give a demonstration on the Main Stage, followed by the Pan Asian Coalition Dance Group at 2 p.m.

Music will continue on the Main Stage until 4 p.m.

Memorial Day

A Memorial Day service will be held at 11 a.m. on May 27 at Belmont Cemetery, 121 Grove St., followed by a parade.

Games, music, and food trucks will be located at the end of the parade.

IT Staffing

Town Administrator Patrice Garvin said the town recently received two notices from employees intending to leave the Information & Technology department, which coincides with a pending retirement.

“That means we are woefully insufficient in the IT department,” she said.

Garvin said the town will be looking to hire an IT director, at which point the department will be reorganized to “better suit the needs of the community.” In the meantime, the town will be looking to the schools if help is available.

CPA Requests

The Select Board had a brief discussion on applications filed for three Community Preservation projects.

Those included the Chenery Park design and engineering, the Chenery Park Complex funding, and finally, the Belmont Community Path Phase I: Right of Way Acquisition.

The allocation of CPA funds will be voted on at Town Meeting next month.

Select Board Appoints Daniel Dargon to the Board of Assessors

In the wake of the recent ballot question, which changed the Board of Assessors position from an elected one to an appointed one, the Select Board voted to appoint Daniel Dargon to the board.

“I have to say I’ve known Dan for as long as I’ve been on the Select Board, and I’ve been most impressed by his experience, qualifications, dedication, and skills,” said Chair Roy Epstein. “In every way, he seems like an ideal administrator … but also would be an excellent member of the board of assessors.”

Dragon currently serves as the town’s administrative assessor.

Ovenbird Cafe to Host Indoor Beer Garden Pop-up Events

The Select Board voted to approve two requests by Ovenbird Cafe to extend its closing time by two hours for the purpose of hosting two indoor beer garden pop-up events.

Those events are scheduled to take place on June 14 from 7 to 9 p.m. and June 28 from 7 to 9 p.m.

In addition to extending the closing time, the board approved two one-day liquor license applications for the cafe located at 105 Trapelo Road.

Winery, Meadery Approved to Serve Wine at Belmont Farmers Market

Westford-based Aaronap Cellars and Bedford-based Blisspoint Meadery were both approved to serve wine at the Belmont Farmers Market.

Mary Byrne

Mary Byrne is a member of The Belmont Voice staff.