
Belmont School Food Services Embrace Greener Alternatives

September 6, 2024
In the cafeteria of Chenery Upper Elementary School, students—called trash bashers—help their peers navigate the differences between composting, recycling, and trash. In the kitchens of all seven schools, investments in new equipment are shifting from gas to electric. Food is primarily locally…
Belmont School Administration Building

Forecast Calls for Slow Decrease in Enrollment

May 12, 2024
School enrollment forecasts indicate that by 2028-2029, there will be almost 200 fewer students in the Belmont Public Schools than there are currently, and the decline will continue well into the next decade. In the 2023-2024 academic year, 4,424 students were enrolled…
A woman surrounded by children.

Belmont Education Gets a Boost

March 16, 2024
Next month, a swarm of clever students will compete in the Foundation for Belmont Education’s (FBE) annual spelling bee, one of the events and fundraisers the nonprofit holds throughout the year. The organization, which marked its 30th anniversary in 2023, has provided…