Matt Kraft – Candidate for School Committee

March 3, 2024

This is a pivotal moment for Belmont schools as we move forward under new district leadership. We need a School Committee that will take a proactive role in developing and delivering an ambitious vision for our schools.

I am running for School Committee because I am deeply committed to the Belmont schools and see their potential to become a leading example of educational excellence for all students. I am invested in this work for the long run as a dad of two young kids attending Belmont schools and as someone who has dedicated his career to improving public education – first as a high school teacher and now as a professor of education and economics.

As an economist of education, I have both a deep understanding of public education finance as well as the analytical tools necessary to evaluate the tradeoffs the School Committee must weigh when making difficult budget decisions. I will take an evidence-based approach, and always remain open-minded and consider diverse perspectives.

My experience partnering with districts across the country to study what works in public education gives me the perspective to know what is possible and how to achieve it. We have incredible resources including our excellent educators, the new middle and high school, and tight-knit elementary school communities. We can better utilize these strengths with more effective operational systems and a district-wide commitment to continuous improvement informed by data and community voice.

I ask for your vote so I can begin the work of aligning our budget and policies with our shared values, and ensuring that we get the most out of every dollar we spend.

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